
Happy Birthday Jesse!

The big news this week was the major snowstorm that took us by surprise this weekend.  Seems like it just kept dumping all day for a few days!  We're glad it happened on a weekend so we could bundle up inside our warm house.  And bonus - we celebrated Jesse's 30th birthday!

There is a little park at our stake center where we love to play.  It is so small, we always have it to ourselves.

Benj came up with the fun idea to give Maddie a ride around the kitchen.  She was not too amused.

Daylight savings messed up Benjamin's naps this week.  One desperate day, I got in the crib with him hoping he'd fall asleep, but that was certainly wishful thinking.

We like to take pictures of ourselves.

Fascinated by all the snow.

Embarrassed by his mom already.

Did I mention we like to take pictures of ourselves?

Cousin Sheridan's bridal shower.  She is going to be a beautiful bride!

Benj helped his mom make a cake for dad's birthday.  Specifically, he helped clean the frosting off the beaters.

He also helped with the decorations.

Celebrating at the Cheesecake Factory with Maddie.
Ta Da!  The cake.

Maddie wears her snow cap.

Jesse spent most of his birthday shoveling.  He shoveled our driveway 4 times, plus the neighbors a few times.

The snow on the deck railing.

Let it snow!  Let it snow!  Let it snow!

The backyard.

Updates on the kids:
Benj has lately taken up singing.  He is a great helper whenever we need something taken to the garbage.  Also good at throwing anything he pleases in the garbage.  (Always have to check before it is permanently thrown away.)  He has picked up breastfeeding his stuffed animals, which I'm sure will be incredibly embarrassing to him when he's older.  His nursery teacher says he is obedient; doesn't necessarily like being there, but is resigned to the fact that he must be there and so makes the best of it - hasn't cried yet.  He requests to watch TV while sitting in the pack-n-play which works great when mom needs to shower.  He is more than happy to get in bed at night and waves goodbye to let dad know he's ready for him to leave the room.  He entertains himself with his cars really well so mom can get lots of work done.

Maddie is absolutely the most gorgeous baby girl there ever was.  She tolerates her big brother quite well.  She is a sneaky little eater and will only take a bottle from Auntie Nat and has only done it while mom and dad are at the temple, so we are considering it a temple-miracle.  She has started sleeping about 11 hours; from 9 pm to 8 am with a feeding at 5 am.  I usually have to wake her up in the morning or she'll sleep for who knows how long.  

1 comment:

Martin said...

Wow, great pictures of beautiful children and snow. Update at the end very helpful too. Thanks for keeping this up. Did I mention that was quite the cake?