
soccer tournament and summerfest

summer!  glorious summer!  snow cones and staying up late.  what's not to love?  benjamin pretty much had the best day of his entire life at the neff invitational soccer tournament this weekend.  watermelon, cookies, and as many snow cones as he could devour.  and i think he saw a little soccer because he said, "bryce kick ball."  and poor maddie looks homeless and so disheveled.  but i do believe that messy kids = happy kids.  right?

this was the closest he got to going on a ride.  sad waste of money buying those ride tickets.  i thought he'd love the idea of driving his own car, but he was way too scared.  even with cute naomi in the driver's seat.

he wouldn't even sit on a carousel horse, so this was the biggest thrill we got.  loved seeing dad each time we came around though.

watching the parade

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with friends: the daltons, benches, hansens and haldemans

had a blast this weekend at summerfest in orem.  the haldeman's live on the parade route so they invited friends over for a bbq and to watch the parade.  parades = dumb dumb dumb and yet so very fun for a two year old.  we took the kids over to the carnival for a miserable bit of "fun."  we'd wait in line (not a favorite activity for us) and then chicken out and not do the ride.  then benj had diarreah since easters due to his blueberry obsession and i had to change his diaper inside a port-a-potty cubicle thing and that was one of the worst experiences ever.  but then we watched the parade and people threw candy at us and life was good again.

i had my very talented sister in law take pictures of the kids to give to jesse for father's day.  here are a couple of them.  she did a great job especially considering how wild and wiggly they are.


Martin said...

Did I count 2 or 3 snow cones? Nice life!

Carole Hansen said...

So cute Em! Loved Summerfesting with you. Glad you survived the carni:)