
probably the most boring post ever

This week, my phone/camera cracked in a hundred more places so I didn't take many pictures and also we did nothing exciting, which results in this super boring post about the typical happenings around our house.   
Benjamin and I forced Maddie to wear a fruit snack box on her head as a hat for our enjoyment.

More bike riding with James.  We are obsessed with James.  #1 is Lightning McQueen, but a close second is Cousin James.  This is what I hear all day long... "James has a bike too.  James has a bathroom too.  James likes popsicles too.  James has a bus." etc. etc.  Benj talks about him all the time.  We took the boys to the track at Oly a couple times this week so Jesse and I can run laps and the boys play on their bikes and have races.  Its a real good time.

Watching the ducks.

It got cold this week!  Fall is here!  Maddie had to wear Benj's jacket at the park and everyone thought she was a boy.

He was quietly playing in his room for a half hour, which is a long time, so I finally went in to see what he was doing.  He was just flipping through this book from the library called "If I Built a Car" about a boy who invents a car that can fly and swim, which is pretty much Benjamin's ultimate dream come true.  He really loves this book.

Benjamin gets freaked out by this page every time we read "Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon".  It scares him for a second and then he laughs and laughs.  This week I caught him sneaking up on Maddie and flashing this page at her to scare her.  Hahaha!  It totally worked too.  So funny cause I remember my 2nd graders always laughing at this page, too.

My kids had their first ever Happy Meal.

His reaction in McDonald's when I put on a batman mask.

Cute Maddie being a good sport at the mall while we drag her all over the place.

Cute Benjamin in his lederhosen on Sunday.  Notice the fruits of our pumpkin patch on the stairs and how our driveway is now stained from a bucket of deck stain getting knocked over.  Solutions anyone?
This week, the highlight for me was getting to go to the temple and do a session with Jesse.  We don't get to do that as often as we'd like.  We finally saw the new video and I just loved it.  I left with such a motivation to be better.  So grateful for Grandma Janet who always tends so we can go to the temple and grateful that my kids love being with her.  Today in church, a speaker talked about how our lives have different seasons, just like the year does.  I decided that I am in the summer of my life.  Mom and Dad, thank you for going on a mission.  I know that one of the big reasons you went was because you wanted our whole Craven family to be blessed by it.  I definitely feel like I am extra blessed right now.  We are so happy and life is wonderful.  Can't imagine it getting much better, really!

1 comment:

Martin said...

I will write you an email. dad