
gardner village, general conference, james, james, james

Check out this perfectly round watermelon that grew in our garden.  It wound it's way up a tomato cage  so it grew hanging mid-air.

Can you think of anything these two could love more than being able to drive their very own car?  Those are rays of happiness beaming from the boys.

 I really.  really.  really. hate the dentist.
 Pictures below are from an outing to Gardner Village with the friends on our street:

I love that they are holding hands.

James and Benj had a "late night" so we put them in bed together and they just giggled and giggled in the dark.

James taught Benj the joys of blowing milk bubbles ... wish you could've heard the laughter.

Riding bikes up and down our street.

Spent all of Saturday working in the yard while listening to conference in my headphones.  It was wonderful.  Got a lot of work done and was able to pay attention to the talks.  We planted a whole bunch of grass seed.  Fingers crossed that it takes!  Can you remember how all this was covered in weeds and bushes just a few months ago?

While Jesse went to priesthood session, we bought treats at the store and made carmel apples.  Benj loved having a cart his size to push around the store.  He preferred eating his carmel apples without any carmel.  Fine by me!

A tower he built with dad during Sunday morning session.

Maddie has been super cranky pants lately.  Driving.  Me.  Crazy.

General Conference (as much as I was able to hear with my crazy kids around) was fabulous.  My testimony has been strengthened and I have a greater resolve to:

  • share the gospel with friends, neighbors, and family, 
  • love my husband as myself, 
  • read scriptures with my children even at a young age, 
  • cultivate stronger self mastery, 
  • allow my trials to teach me to rely on the Lord, 
  • glory in my role as a mother, and 
  • ever be found doing the work of the Lord.  

The Church is true!  Sure wouldn't want to raise my kids in this crazy world without it!  One of my questions was answered in the Saturday morning session:  Is there a safe place to raise children today?  YES, in a Christ-centered home.
     I am looking forward to going back and studying the talks in better detail in the coming weeks.

1 comment:

Martin said...

Amen and amen, good list!