
Happy New Year!

We had such a great time with the family in Midway for New Years:
Benjamin in his new German clothes.  So handsome!
Well we found Benjamin's paradise.  Dairy Keen! With trains everywhere you look!  He cried his eyes out when it was time to leave.
The play place at McDonald's tuckered cousin right out.  Even too tired to finish his ice cream.
Mom and Dad treated us to Tarahumara, hence we ordered all the churros we wanted.  Thank you!!!
Was also a treat to spend some time with Spencer and Xan who flew in from New York.
So fun having a brother who loves fireworks so much.
We set off the left-overs from Bryce's "Sidewalk of Fire,"  which the boys loved, of course.

New Year's Eve game night of charades and "Reckless Abandon Uno"

Another highlight of the evening was finding three dead mice in the cupboard and oh the smell when we opened that door.  Made for some good laughs though.
With Uncle Spencer's marshmallow guns.
Haha!  Love these two little frenemies.
 We had a blast sledding down Valais' hill into the bird refuge, but no one brought a camera.  The toboggan was a huge hit!
I did a watercolor project, cause I had these two canvases sitting around.
Something temporary until we can afford some real art.
 And lastly just some pictures of the kids:
He is learning new words every day!

One night this week Maddie slept for a straight 11 hours!  It is amazing what a difference a full night's sleep makes for me.  I haven't felt that refreshed in a long time.
It has been freezing cold around here this week and all of us are still trying to recover from being sick so we've mostly just hunkered down inside the house.  I'm trying to decide what my New Year's resolutions are going to be.  I think I'd like to sign up for a race and improve my scripture studying habits.  I'm looking forward to this year, watching my kids grow and learn.  


Elder and Sister Craven said...

Great pics. We are so pathetic, we check your blog everyday. Please share your resolutions with us when you set them, we need some ideas.
Mom and Dad

Ali said...

I love Benj in his german clothes! I'm proud Spencer is sporting an old school AMB shirt. And...if you want to do a race...how about a 1/2 marathon in Septemberish and we can do it together?