

Hi Mom and Dad, Nana and Tada!  Our wi-fi has been down and internet has been sketchy the past week, so we can't Facetime!  This post is just for you since it really is surely too boring for anyone else.  Some pics of the kids and stuff we did this week ...  

For my birthday last week, someone gave me a loaf of Great Harvest Cinnaburst bread.  We wolfed it down in a day, so I decided I should learn how to make it myself.  I discovered how to make cinnamon chips, and it was a delicious success.

I gave my first hair cut.  I know it looks horrible.   I read a tutorial on line which ended with, "practice makes perfect" so I thought I'd just go at it.  He was all over the place and I was just taking off random snips here and there and I was getting so mad!  But you know the difference between a good haircut and a bad one ...  Two weeks.

I am learning how to sew for reals!  I made this car seat cover for Carole's baby this week.  I was reading about how to make bias tape when suddenly I realized that mom had taught me this when I made my quilt for my laurel project.  It came back to me!  One good thing about mom being on a mission is that if she were here, I would definitely be asking for help and then probably saying, "Let me watch you do it" like I always do and then never really learning.

Yes, she's having a girl, but I thought the blue bike fabric was just too cute.  I learned how to do a bunch of different stitches on my machine this week and having so much fun.  I go down to my craft room during naps when the dryer is humming and the furnace blaring and a movie on and who knows if the kids are crying ... it's wonderful.

The boys made slush with snow and then drank it to their heart's content.  A nice break from the constant fighting over toys.  They really do love each other though and get so excited to see each other.

We went to the library this week and Benj found this Thomas the train book and it was so cute to see him walking around the library staring at it, so focused.

While I was nursing.  I never know what kind of mess I'm going to find when he's entertaining himself alone.

Jesse, wondering when it is ever going to stop snowing.

Olive fingers!  So fun!

Love the way this time of year tastes!


Ali said...

you are so cute! thank you for your sewing skills and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that carseat cover you did for Carole!

Martin said...

If the whole world isn't following your blog they don't know what they are missing. Thanks for sharing your week! Xox Dad

Dan and Liz said...

I like reading your blog, silly!
LOVE that car seat cover, so cute.
Oh, and Sam pretty much walks around the Library the same way, with Thomas books in hand :)