
happy birthday to me

I turned the big 3-0 this week.  It was a great day.  The sun came out, which is rare these days, so that alone made it special.  I felt very loved with all the dear friends that came by or called or texted and each of my three siblings in Utah babysat for me at some point, which is the best gift I could ask for.  My parents sang happy birthday to me over the phone and got me a little misty-eyed because even when you are an OLD 30 year old you still want your mommy and daddy sometimes.  I feel like these past 30 years have been so good to me and the best is yet to come.
This is how my thirties started.  Sharing the bed, bright and EARLY with two of my favorite people.
Jesse wasn't in the snuggle-fest because he was busy downstairs making my birthday breakfast.  He was slaving away for hours.  Benjamin got up on the table and opened my gift while I was in the bathroom.  (New running shoes.)
I totally laughed when I saw what he had prepared.  One donut for each decade.  What was taking so long in the kitchen?  He made freshly squeezed orange juice to drink.  It took like 10 oranges to make a cup.  Silly head.
Benjamin's reaction when he saw breakfast was priceless.  He gasped! and started clapping and giggling! So yum.
Jesse and I celebrated with a rare dinner without children at Brio.  I highly recommend their tiramisu.

She loves her some bath time.

Just a snapshot from my life.

So this has been Benjamin's favorite boredom-buster activity so far.
That is just a tub full of snow.  He squirted it different colors and then experimented with what happens when you transfer some snow into a bowl of warm water.  

He was never going to stop so eventually we just took him and that tub into the big shower and sprayed them both down with warm water and watched everything melt away.  He loved it.  We will definitely be doing this again.

Maddie in her circle of toys.  She is getting really good at rotating around.  And around and around.

Happy 6 Month Birthday Baby Girl!

Bye for now!

1 comment:

Martin said...

So, are those prunes in that birthday breakfast bowl?