
Spring is Coming!

These are the signs of spring at our house.  Tulips poking!  Peeps nesting!
More cuddle time with Maddie.

Pretty excited about the giant books at the library.

New fun activity: rice sensory bin.

Sour orange!  She still loves them though.

We bought a membership to the aquarium this week.  I think he is really going to love it here.  His favorite is the pool where you can pet sting rays and little sharks and hold starfish.

Finally!  Some warm enough days for bike riding.  He really loves his bike now and it comes inside with us so he can sit on it while watching TV and scoot around the kitchen while mom is cooking.

Maddie is old enough to sit in the stroller like a big girl now!  7 months old now!
For Nana and Tada,
Some Funny Things about Benjamin Lately:

  • Benjamin is a great lover of the movie Cars and has a few "Car" toys.  He has often been saying the word "Ween" and I finally figured out what he's been saying!  It's short for "McQueen"  Tonight when we put him in his crib he said "Ween," pointing to his toy car so we gave it to him.  But he has two of them so then he said, "More Ween."  Haha.  He wanted both of them.  He always sleeps with either a car or a train in hand.
  • He's also been saying this weird thing we still can't figure out.  He often says "ee" before another word.  For example, "eee show" or "eee more" or "eee Maddie", etc.  Who knows.
  • He is such a deep sleeper!  Sometimes we have to get him out of his crib at night to change a poopy diaper, but he sleeps through the whole thing!  Maybe he has the same crazy sleep-through-anything ability that cousin Charlie has.
  • As you know he is learning his colors.  The other day we took him to the pet store where there are colored tiles laid sporadically throughout the floor.  When he noticed them, he excitedly dropped to the floor exclaiming, "Red!  Green!  Blue!"  (Although did not get a single one correct.)  
  • He thinks it is fun to put his toys in the kitchen cupboards and then slam the door shut on them yelling, "Bye Train!"  or "Bye Car!"  The other day he left Maddie in her room, slammed the door and yelled, "Bye Maddie!"
  • He has learned that he can fix pretty much any problem with a kiss.  As soon as he can see that I am mad at him, he puckers up and motions with his hands to get me to lean in for a kiss.  And he is right, most of the time I think it is so sweet that I forgive him for whatever.

And Maddie is just sweet little Maddie.  She is getting better at sitting up alone for a very short time.  The back of her head is quite flat from sleeping on her back so much and I've tried everything to get her to sleep on her side but nothing works.  She is still sleeping 12 hours at night, but her naps are never predictable.  She has tried a few new foods.  So far she likes carrots, sweet peas, bananas and oranges, but not peas.  She is the sweetest thing ever and just makes us so happy!  Whenever the three of us go to the library, the store or the zoo, I know Benj will give me a run for my money, but Maddie is easy.  She's just relaxed and happy and taking it all in.


Aaron said...

That sour orange picture is amazing hahaha

Dan and Liz said...

Yeah, that orange picture is so awesome!
We have a membership to the Aquarium too, so text me when you go. We'd love to join ya!