
snow melt

We've really loved the sunshine this week!  All this snow in the picture is gone now.  Happy day.  And the grass I planted under the swing set last fall is coming in!  Nature is amazing.

We went to visit Ali and new baby in the hospital.  She is a beautiful baby!  We want to tell everyone to keep praying for her so that she can come home sooner rather than later.

Maddie is all smiles after a good nap.

This baby has often been waking up at 4 am!  Thank goodness for daylight savings.  Now she'll make it to 5 and we feel like we slept in!

Boys will be boys.  If there is a muddy puddle somewhere, Benjamin will find it.

Teaching him to take responsibility for his actions.  If you make a mess, you clean it up.

Joy!  The park finally is uncovered from its blanket of snow!

Still loving the bike these days.

Benjamin is a great lover of all God's creatures.  Even worms get a kiss on the lips from him when he finds them squirming out in the gutter.

1 comment:

Elder and Sister Craven said...

Maddie is growing so fast, cuter by the week.