
the whirlwind and his little sister

Thomas the Train jammies from cousin James.

Sheesh.  Benjamin has been a tornado this week.  He repeatedly threw his cars at the fridge and now it is covered with little tiny dents.  I cried.  He tried to kiss it better.

I miss teaching 2nd grade so much (not) that we play Guided Reading.

Playing school.  The stuffed animals are reading books.  Benjamin has become quite proficient at sorting colors.

Benjamin and Dad opt to eat dinner up in the swing set.

We had a fun Saturday strolling around City Creek.  We ate lunch there and Maddie had her first french fry.
Walking around downtown.  

We've been doing lots of car shopping this week.  Maddie gets to test drive.
She is learning how to crawl and she can really move!  Benjamin was not this fast and I think it is attributed to having an older sibling that she needs to get away from quickly.
Benjamin's lastest skills and accomplishments:
He did a front flip out of the bath tub, which was pretty cool.
He is getting very good about saying "Thank you."  I used to be proud of hearing him say "Please" but now I hear it a hundred times a day.
He knows what a mom is and lets you know when he spots one, be it a human or a cow and her calf.
He knows the difference between boys and girls.  He recently pointed to the Mickey and Minnie on his diaper and said, "Dad.  Mom."
He is somehow able to acquire new toys, usually cars, whenever he plays at someone else's house.  He added 4 to his collection just this week.
Lately, very into his lawn mower that he got for his birthday last year.  It goes most places with us.
Though he be a whirlwind in the house and constantly destroying all in his path, he is at least a wonderful napper and gives me a 3 hour break every day, which is a life saver.


Ali said...

I want to squish and kiss Maddie. That is all.

Martin said...

Great parents, happy children.