
fish and cars and friends and midway

I honestly think she is the cutest baby on the whole planet.
I spy a Maddie in a fish tank.

We love the aquarium!  It is just as fun for mom as it is for Benjamin.  So many interesting exhibits.  While we were standing over the open pool, one of the sting rays jumped out right at us!  It was very exciting.

Our new car!  I feel very spoiled driving this sweet ride around town.

This picture is just to show that Benjamin kind of sometimes has curly hair.

Date night with my sisters to the temple to honor our Dad's birthday.  Had so much fun laughing in the car with them.  But no giggling in the temple.  No no.

I had friends up to Midway to picnic and craft and relax.  It was my dream come true.  Wish we could do this all day every day.  I have such wonderful friends.
Benjamin was pretty enamored with this cutie pie.  I could not blame him.  There is not a sweeter little girl than Naomi.
Little friends.
Strolling and chatting and (unbeknownst to us) getting majorly sunburned.

Maddie with her BFF Audrey, and Rubes with her BFF Greta, and B boy.
Later, Dad came up to Midway with us.  Love late Saturday mornings in bed with the whole gang.

So many pretty places to explore in Midway.

Maddie's first bike ride.  She LOVED it!  We all did.

We love it here!

This stream has warm water!  We just sat and soaked our feet for a while.

After Sunday dinner with Grandpa Jonathan.  Benjamin provided the dessert, fruit snacks.  Also Grandpa showed us his awesome cane.  The bottom part lights up like a flashlight!

I'm still working towards my goal of a half marathon this fall and making good progress.  On Saturday I ran 5.8 miles, walked 3 and biked 3.3.  And today I am a little sore.  

1 comment:

Martin said...

I honestly think you are right, especially since Benjamin has graduated to cutest little boy in the world.