
beat the heat

Holy smokes.  It is scorching hot these days.  The forecast is predicting a cold front coming in this Friday though; should get down to 97 degrees!  The only way to survive is to live in the water, so that's pretty much what we do every day.
Hurry!  Water the plants before they all die!

Our new form of bathing.  Every evening, sit in the pool.


Happy with tummies full of popsicles.  (See Maddie's new teeth?!)

They ate their entire lunch while sitting in the pool this day.  Here they are slurping down smoothies.

Spray painted my alliums red, white, and blue.  Fireworks in my front yard!

At a pool party with friends.

We went boating for the first time this season on Friday.  It's the best thing to do when the temperatures go over 100.  Benjamin had his first tube ride and thanks to Kim's supply of starbursts and muddy buddies, Maddie had a fabulous time as well.

Bought a slip n' slide this week.  Wow - good times!  We were both laughing so hard!  He did NOT want to do it at first, so I shoved him down the hill and so glad I did.  Sometimes you have to force your kids to have fun.

Just wanted to show off the pictures Xan took.  This was Jesse's father's day gift.  Not sure where to hang them yet...


Martin said...

Great pics, feels like we were there. Dad

Heather said...

Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)gmail.com