
My Favorite Time of Year

We have a climber on our hands!  She is in that horrible phase where we have to watch her at all times so she doesn't fall.
Further proof that Maddie is growing up: already loves to play with her cell phones.
Had a blast this week sliding into the pool.  A little scary, even for mom.

Before and after photo of my new window treatment.  I have been wanting to dress up this window for the longest time so I finally broke down and custom ordered this $100 cornice to match my bathroom decor.  Ha!  Just kidding.  I made it out of foam and some left over fabric for $7.  Did I fool you?
My roommate Hillary was in town so I had all the old BYU roommates over for lunch and a playdate.  Still love these girls so much and feel close to them even though we hardly see each other any more.

I had the BEST time boating with my siblings on the 4th of July!!!  We were the only ones crazy enough to head out in the rain so we really had Deer Creek all to ourselves.  There was no need for towels, because in the boat or out, you were wet.  And the water temperature and the air temperature were about the same.  Maybe a little warmer in the water.  We skiied and wakeboarded and surfed and dance partied.  Sure was nice to leave the kids at home too!
When Benjamin saw the picture of Bryce waterskiing he pointed to it and said, "There's the temple!"
Not sure what made him think that, but perhaps he getting our places of worship confused...  Jk!

Cleaning up ... See, it is not ALL fun and games.  Just mostly.

Celebrating with Nana Bett on her 91st birthday.

We decided to make these guys stay up for fireworks this year.  Went to Nana Bett's to watch the Holladay fireworks.  Huge success!  They had a great time.  After EVERY one, Benjamin yelled, "See that?!"
Delicious food at the Smyths.  Gunner led us in saying the pledge.

It was a PAR-TAY!
We love our Nana Bett!
A whole bunch of good looking Cravens
Jesse made rocky road ice cream and I made some fun ice cream cones.

Benjamin did NOT like these fireworks at all ... 

On Saturday, Spencer and Xan babysat for us so we could go to the Oakley rodeo.  It rained a ton and was freezing, but we still had fun and neither child cried while we were gone which is a huge miracle.

If it was a contest of cowboys vs. the cows, the cows won.


Aaron said...

Watching Bryce waterski IS kind of a spiritually uplifting experience, so I can understand the confusion with the temple ;)

Martin said...

Well, every batch of your photos just gets better. Thank you so much for doing this for us! XOX Dad