
the longest week

Nana and Tada,  We had a long, hard week!  Looking at these pictures from Monday seems like happened so long ago!  Best cousin James came over on Monday, barfed, and it all went downhill from there ...

Jesse never looked so good!

Maddie is pretty much done nursing!  Hooray!

Using the thermometer as a cell phone.

Highlight of the week!  New bike from Nana and Tada arrived in the mail!  He rode it all day, then it came in the car with us wherever we went, and he rode it around and around the kitchen and living room.

The lowpoint.  Sitting in the doctor's office at Instacare.  Benj had a fever for two days and wasn't really eating or drinking anything.  He kept spitting out the medicine I gave him.  We decided to go to the doctor when, after giving him a bath, he got out and turned so pale and started shaking uncontrollably.  So relieved he is finally feeling better.

Pool party at Aunt Julie's parents' house.

With cousin Sammi, her most look-alike relative, we think.

Benjamin is adored by his cousins.

Sometimes he gets too much attention...

Tired guy fell asleep by the pool.

Why is it that home-grown vegetables always look the weirdest?

Benjamin started jumping out of his crib again.  We were surprised to hear footsteps walking around at quarter to 6!

"Fixing" the crib so that the mattress sits right on the floor.  This is a temporary solution.  I dread putting him in a bed because he is such a good napper right now, I'm so worried about ruining it!


Aaron said...

That mullet is glorious. Wish Jesse would have kept it for a little longer. Maybe next time...

Martin said...

Summer is such a good time. We are so glad B is better. Could they just grow a little slower?