
Cabin Adventure and more

Benjamin and Maddie greet each other after naptime.  Can you see the love?
Surly little swimmer.
So after jumping out of his crib several times (which finally resulted in a bleeding injury to the mouth) we decided to make the big transition to a "big boy bed".  Bad idea.  Around 2:30 a.m. we heard him playing around the house, then spent an hour putting him back in bed.  My gut feeling is that he is not ready yet.  We made more adjustments to the crib, and he is now happily back to his cage.
Mmmm sand.  Better than mom's cooking apparently.
We got a couple big rain storms and had fun playing in the gutter.
All smiles after a nap.
He loooooooves running through the sprinklers.  Our lawn won't die this year!
Cabin Weekend:
Spencer and Bryce in their hammocks.

Heard some pretty hilarious stories around the campfire.  Mostly about sleep walking and peeing.

the twins, not biologically, but twins because they want to do everything like the other
Happy Birthday Natalie!

We made Benj sleep in the corner while we had a birthday party.  Haha.  He was feeling very left out, so we invited him after all.

Xan made the most incredible cake.  Inside it was three layers of pink ombre.  Very impressive.

"Hi guys!  Hi guys!"

Hike to the waterfall.

Pee-Wee Herman/Kim dunked her head in the waterfall.

He loves to wander.

Tomahawk throwing contest

Jesse was the winner with 7 straight hits.

I spy the newest member of the family.
The highlight of the weekend ... Natalie's ultrasound picture!  Yay!!!


Martin said...

Pretty sweet. Try to make these outings look less fun in the future. Dad

Dan and Liz said...

I love your family and the cabin!
So, so happy for Natalie and your fam!

Aaron said...

These pics crack me up, especially the hammocks with Bryce & Spencer, and Kim's Pee Wee Herman. Oh, and that's so exciting about Natalie's ultrasound!!!

e.m. said...

that first picture is kind of to die for. such a cute family!