
Pioneer Day etc.

So lovely to have Dad home from work a few days this week!  We've been working hard in the yard and also playing hard.  Maddie has recently started saying her first words: "Hi Dad!" and "Hi Momma!"  She is getting three new teeth up top.  Both kids are in a constant state of disheveled mess.  Seems like we are always eating sticky popsicles, then rolling around in the dirt.  But that's the care-free spirit of summer that we love!
Happy Pioneer Day!  We had a wonderful time chatting with cousins at the Hunt's.
Maddie's new kicks.  Baby shoes are just too cute.

We spent most of the holiday working in the yard.  So great to see Benjamin's work ethic shine.  He loves a job to do.

I gave him the hose to play with and two seconds later, turned around to see his face covered in mud, which is what happens when you power wash the dirt.

Tubing with some cute boys.

Maddie and Xan relaxing on the boat.

They discovered the boat's horn and thought that was pretty fabulous.

My happy place.

Thanks again Pinterest, for another quick and free craft.  I made Maddie this headband from one of my old t-shirts.

Maddie loooooved her spinach and kale smoothie, which was as big as she is.

Jesse had Friday off work so we took him on one of our favorite outings, to the aquarium.  Benjamin got to pet a sting ray.

1 comment:

Martin said...

Another week in paradise! I have a comment on every photo. Just love their happy smiles. Dad