
Happy Birthday Madeline

I found this new cookbook with some pretty AMAZING burger recipes.  We've been snarfing them down over here.

Summer is for dinners on the patio.

Fried Green Tomato sandwiches.  Yum!  I decided to make these since we have lots of green tomatoes right now and I don't think you can buy them at the store.

After a trip to the grocery store.  She couldn't wait to get home to eat her nectarine.

He loooooves running his dumptruck down the dirt hill.

Benj came running in the house with wet feet, slipped on the tile floor, and then he rubbed the blood from his nose ALL over his face til it was completely red.  He looked horrible.  This is after we cleaned up.

Making fish faces.

Nakey bum.

Fun new bubble blowing activity.

My little helper in the kitchen.

Did an experiment with fondant for Maddie's birthday cake.  It was harder than I thought it would be and it looked cooler in my head, but was fun new skill to learn.

Maddie's birthday present was the Little People house.

We took her for shave ice on her birthday.

Then took a walk around Silver Lake.

We are fish sitting for our neighbors.  They are awesome for getting Benj to eat his food.  "Benj, show Meatball how to eat broccoli."  It actually works.  Once I caught him with his entire arm in the fishbowl ... hope they survive the week!
Maddie's party invite.  It was hot air balloon themed.

I made cotton candy.

The spread.
Natalie made this super adorable pinata. 

Inside, the candy is either pink or blue, and will reveal the gender of the Busath baby!

Smash cake

She ate the whole thing!
Feeling loved by a supportive bunch of family

The kids on a sugar high

He picked up on this idea quite quickly.  Whack something as hard as you can with a bat?  Sure!

The candy is blue!  Hooray!

We could always use another boy in the family ... I guess.  (Poor Maddie)
Celebratory fireworks!

Nana and Tada,
We really missed you at Maddie's birthday party.  It is a very noticeable absence.  But hopefully this overload of pictures help you feel like you were there a little bit.  We are glad you are on a mission though.  Our family is being blessed for it, we can feel it.  Life is so so good and we are so so happy.


Elder and Sister Craven said...

Dear Maddie,
What a fun party to celebrate your first birthday. So many people love you and we hope you can feel our love across the miles. Watch for a present in the mail.
Love, Nana and Grandpa

Aaron said...

That's a great party, with a fantastic cake and piñata. And that is very exciting news about the Busath's having a boy!!!

Martin said...

Thanks Em. Everything and everybody looks so good - except for those burgers. The little movies are fun!