
"It's nap time." B: "I wake UP!"

This is his fake smile for posing for pictures.  It's a good thing we have a vegetable garden because, for some reason, he actually likes eating vegetables if they are fresh from the garden.  Please ignore the yellow stripe in the grass in the background.  We've been having too much fun doing the slip n' slide.

Had a great time splashing around at a playdate with friends.

Celebrating Grandpa Jonathan's 66th birthday at Olive Garden.

She kept making this face at dinner.  Silly silly goose.

Half marathon is coming up next month.  I ran the longest run I have ever run on Saturday and finally starting to feel like I will be ready for my race.

Playing at the park early in the morning before it gets so hot.

Dirty, scrubby, happy kids.

This kid has been a HANDFUL this week.  We are surviving ... on very little sleep.  Bunch of grumpy crabs over here - watch out! We are trying to figure out a better sleep situation for him as he won't stay in his crib and won't sleep in a bed either.  Then OF COURSE his beloved "silkie" went missing this week and we had to run out and buy an identical one.  Wish us luck! 

1 comment:

Martin said...

9 miles is pretty impressive already. Any luck with a new Silkie. I didn't think these things were replaceable.