
sleep? who needs it? ... me!

Just a typical scene at the lunch table.

Playing at the park

He can dish it out, but got very upset when it came back to him.

We learned the secret to having the whole splash pad to ourselves is arriving early in the morning.

Dinner at the park with our dearest friends from forever.  This group is getting big!

Let's toast to the deliciousness of popsicles.

Doesn't get better than this.  Spent a relaxing day by the pool this week.

So proud for feeding herself a bowl of applesauce with a spoon.  Yes, that's a tattoo on her arm.  Benjamin insisted.

These are our favorite babysitters and cutest girls that live down the street.  They are so good to my kids.

Clutching her party favor from a wedding reception, a cup of donuts.

Benjamin had a blast at the wedding reception we attended because they had trampolines; he couldn't get enough of.

Top left: Couldn't find Benjamin after I put him in the car.  Finally looked in the back of the car, where is was sitting in his stroller.
Top right: Another face plant on the tile floor.
Bottom left: Maddie visited Benj while he was taking a bath and he dumped buckets of water on her head.
Bottom right: When Benjamin discovered that he is now the owner of TWO silkies, he rolled around on the floor with glee.

 We haven't slept for days.  As I type this after 10 pm, Benjamin is sobbing, locked in his room where he has dumped every toy he has on the floor.  We have tried everything to get him to sleep at night.  He really still needs a crib, but is just too good at climbing.  We put him in the closet with an Extra Tall baby gate for a few nights, but he climbed out every time.  He is now scared of the dark and will only fall asleep with someone next to him.  We have found him several times in the middle of the night, sitting on the stairs with a pile of snacks.  He is very kind never to wake us up on purpose, but we hear him pushing the chairs around the kitchen so he can reach whatever he needs, opening the fridge and so on.  He struck the jackpot when he found my baking chocolate.  Heaven help us.
Wild thing.


Martin said...

I don't know how you do it. They are so darling but so busy. Hope you can solve the sleep thing. Dad

Andrea Mouritsen said...

You poor things. My husband always says that of all the crazy parenting stuff we go through the least expected but most difficult to deal with are sleep issues. It's the absolute worst and it feels like sleep issues pop up every few months with kids. I have two friends who went though this is exact thing (they both have boys ... Go figure). They tried everything and in the end the only thing that worked was emptying their kids room of all distractions and dangers and then locking them in and letting them cry it out. Eventually they give up and start sleeping. Their boys are now three and they still lock them in their room at night for safety and peace of mind even though they are now sleeping. Boys are so active! What am I in for? Ha. Good luck!!!!

Cassie said...

Holy cow. The sleep deprivation, the running 10 miles, the riding bikes to an outdoor concert. I am baffled and amazed. And scared for the future. (although I know I would never be insane enough to run 10 miles.)