
watermelon, water balloons, bicycle riding and such

We grew 4 watermelons in our garden this year.  This is the first one.  So fun to just head out to the backyard and pick a watermelon for dinner!  This was our first time growing watermelons and it was a success.  Benjamin is distressed because it is too heavy for him to lift.

Just doin' what we do.

This was Benjamin and Maddie's first experience with water balloons.  They loved chasing after these squirmy squishy balls of exploding water.

One of the last swim dates with Nana Bett for the summer.  Benjamin got new Lightning McQueen dive toys, which go with  him everywhere now.

Still having a hard time with the big boy bed.  He took a 5 pm nap this day, which is never good.  

Midway!  He's getting pretty speedy on his Strider bike.

The school bus letting the kids off.  So pretty!  When can we move here?

We had a deliciously cool, breezy, and rainy day so we spent the afternoon swimming in the bathtub.

I ran 10 miles along Deer Creek on Saturday morning.  

Hot air balloons taking off during my run.

Morning bike ride with the whole fam.

Relaxing in our floatie tubes.

Weeee!  Go Maddie!

Eating a giant chunk of watermelon ... then just wash off in the pool!

Dinner at Tarahumara, our favorite.  
Our little cheering fan on the court.

My first time playing tennis in FOREVER.  I stink and really need to practice, but it was still super fun.

We rode bikes to an outdoor concert with our bag of treats, Benjamin's choice, gummy worms.

Yummy chocolate fondue at Kim's with Tasha.

These boys just love each other's guts.  After this picture was taken, JJ started growling like a bear and making Benj giggle like crazy.

1 comment:

Martin said...

Oh wow, we love this blog. It keeps us going. Thanks for making the effort on top of everything else you do.
xox Mom and Dad