
the cabin

first of all, here's a picture of our pile for the county dumpster.  it was massive, and this is just some of it.  jesse conveniently sprained his ankle the day before the dumpsters were arriving so i had to carry this entire thing to the front yard by myself.  feels so good to be rid of that mess.
 The Cabin!
We spent the weekend at the cabin and had a wonderful time.  We never get to stay long enough.  Benjamin was in his element.    We woke up to a chilly morning, so of course hot chocolate was a must.

Maddie and mom cuddling and trying to get warm.  Her lips are purple.

Ready ... aim ...

He could do this all day.

Our family couldn't make it to the cabin clean-up so we did our chores this weekend.  Benjamin helped "stain" the deck with a paintbrush and a bucket of water.

snack break
on a hike

at the children's pond
"bye stick ... later!"  "bye rock ... later!"

he did not like being carried on dad's shoulders ... i guess he wasn't sure where to hold on.

roasting hot dogs for lunch.  couldn't get benj to eat a roasted marshmallow, strange child.

relaxing on the hammock
Sure do love that place and am so grateful to my grandpa for building it for our family.  I have so many fun memories there and love that my kids get to experience it too.  Hopefully we'll be back soon!


Ali said...

LOVE the picture of Benj on Jesse's shoulders, made me laugh out loud. Maybe if you put a Peep on the end of his stick he'll eat it :)

Dan and Liz said...

Glad we got to see you for 5 minutes. We also had a great time...too short of a stay though for sure!

Martin said...

Great pictures, looks like you had fun. Thanks for sharing!

Martin said...

Mom says thanks for doing your part on the Cabin Cleanup. And how did you fit 4 on a bike?

The Jacksons said...

On a Hike... Not a Bike :)