
Memorial Day and stuff

Benjamin got a play date with cute Libby, the only other kid his age in our ward.

We caught the thieving criminal who ate ALL our tulips.  He looks evil because he is.

Proud of my new skill: I can make pants!  I can't believe how easy these are!  Thank you, Pinterest.  I whipped these out during one naptime and then made Maddie a few new headbands.

New jammies!
The 2nd pair of pants I made are his favorite.  I have a hard time throwing away cashmere sweaters that cost hundreds of dollars just because of a little hole.  So now Benj has some very luxurious pajamas.  He cries when I take them off and sometimes he will go find them in his drawer and ask me to put them on.

Maddie trying to escape from a diaper change.

Getting so strong!  She is starting to pull herself up to stand.  Earlier today I found her suddenly standing at Benjamin's train table!

Do It Yourself Tree Trimming

Only for people who value saving a little money over their very lives.

Visiting Grandma Caron's grave

Happy Memorial Day!

I love thinking about how just 10 months ago Maddie and Grandma Caron were hanging out in heaven together.

Silly boy.  We gave him a roll of stickers in the car, then turned around a while later to see this.

New favorite breakfast recipe.  Holy smokes it is amazing.  Pioneer Woman's overnight baked french toast. 

I went on a run on Memorial Day and ran into this scary guy.  I almost had to turn around and cut my run short, but I got brave and bolted past.  Adrenaline rush!

The view from my run.  Utah is beautiful!

The swimming pools are open!  Let summer begin!

It was chilly getting out, but the water was nice and warm.

I love swimming!

We invited friends up for a BBQ on Memorial Day.  These are the crazy kiddos.

Jesse and I made homemade ice cream for the first time.  We are excited to experiment with lots of flavors this summer.

Best friends.  So wonderful to all be together!

1 comment:

Martin said...

Happy Memorial Day!