
water water water

I love that he loves to help me clean.  Wish he would stay like this forever.

This week at dinner, Benjamin picked up a lemon from the fruit bowl, hucked it across the table, and beamed Maddie right in the head.  Dad reminded Maddie that when life throws lemons at you, make lemonade.

With this new activity, I can get plenty of yard work done!

Her first time swinging.

This is a canal we made out of tin foil to float things down the hill in our backyard.

She so wishes she could get up and run around like her big brother.

We had a typical spring week for Utah.  Hot and sweaty earlier this week, now cold and rainy.

Creating outdoor paintings with friend Millie.

Working together.

He came up with this silly idea all on his own.  Notice the cucumbers in his frog's mouth.

My hair fits into a ponytail!  Just in time for summer too, phew!

I made s'more cupcakes with marshmallow frosting this week and they were amazeballs.

Excitement at the splash pad.

With best cousin James

Happy happy boys

Again, wishing she was a big kid.

Sometimes these kids take some wrangling...

That's all folks!  (For this week...)


Unknown said...

I love to see your blogs! Those lucky kiddos!

Crave said...

Em! I swear I would forget what our family looks like if it weren't for you. Everybody looks so beautiful! Thanks for posting we LOVE it!

Martin said...

Thanks Em, you don't know how much this means to us to see your kids as they grow so fast right now. Hugs, Dad

Martin said...

What a creative , fun mom you are! Seeing these photos is always the highlight of our week. XO Mom