
i love the mountains, i love the rolling hills

Contrary to what this picture might say, the sleeping situation is getting better.  Benjamin slept in his bed all alone last week.  He has come into our room almost every night, once a night, but that is a vast improvement.  And yes, he took a nap on the kitchen floor this week.
 More pictures from the half marathon last week:

Crossing the finish line

Took the boys to a different-from-our-usual park this week so they could cruise around on their bikes.  They loved it.  Benj still has a hard time keeping up with James, who is a speedy little dare devil, but since riding together, Benj has gotten much faster and braver.

Don't mess.  I'm eating here.

 The following pictures are from our short, but lovely, visit to the cabin this weekend.  They don't need captions I guess . . . just doing what we do at the cabin:

Go Cougars!


When we drove home last night, we gave Maddie a marshmallow to keep her quiet.  She fell asleep in the car and went straight to bed so when she got up in the morning she was a sugary, sticky mess.  Poor thing.


Ali said...

You look like such an athlete in that finish line picture, you are fast and amazing!

Crave said...

Wahoo! Congratulations Em! Your kiddies are looking cuter than ever! :)

Aaron said...

Those are the happiest running pics I've seen in quite a while. well done!

Martin said...

I am pleased to see you are raising little cougars this week!