
labor day, jam, wasatch front 100 mile endurance run

On Labor Day I had the crazy idea to take our family to Cecret Lake, where everyone else in Utah also decided to go that day.  We had to wait around and take a shuttle to the trailhead.  It was like Arches at Spring Break crowded.  Fun, but won't do that again.

Grammie, the gourmet, came over to teach me how to make jam with all those plums we picked.  I've canned several jars of jam, but we still have about 453,846 plums left so now I'm starting on the fruit leather.

Won't someone adopt this poor homeless child?  She just needs a good home with someone who can do hair.

I took the kids up to Midway so we could be ready to see Isaac during the middle of his race, but he ended up coming to the aid station after our bedtime.  We just had a fun time playing at the pool.

"What are you eating over there?"

"I tickle Maddie with sunflowers."
Last pool day of the season.  Sooooooo sad.  Swimming is my best and my favorite.

Anxiously awaiting Uncle Isaac's arrival at the finish line ...

He did it!  100 miles along the Wasatch Front.  Crazy, yet also impressive.

It was so neat to watch the runners come in and be part of the crowd cheering them in.  It was kind of emotional!  I was inspired.  I don't need to run 100 miles, but I do see the merit in setting a high goal and pushing yourself hard to achieve it. 

So proud of our Isaac!

Just enjoying one of our favorite pastimes.  Maddie only recently has been allowed to have popcorn, and watching her eat it you'd think she'd been deprived her whole life.  Snarf snarf snarf!


Martin said...

Save some plum jam for us :)

Martin said...

What darling happy kids you are raising!

Crave said...

Perfect perfect little family! Love you guys!