
best time of year

It's been raining leaves at our house all week.  The front yard is covered in a blanket of yellow.  The first time we saw our house, before it was ours, was in the fall and that is when I fell in love with it.  Our street is beautiful in the fall.  Now, Benjamin has instant entertainment the minute he walks outside.  He loves to help rake and he loves hearing the crunching noise the leaves make as he runs up and down the street.

latest craft project

benj loves to put his shoes on maddie and thinks that, when they are on, she should be able to walk


right down to our shoes

water + unlimited rocks = benjamin's in heaven

Temple Stone Quarry

Pretty girls at Sunday dinner.


Martin said...

Cute, cute mom says and I agree. That boy's hair is the same color as the fall leaves. We can hear him laughing in delight all the way over here.
Toda and Nana Craven

Meg and Sammy said...

You little Jeni's Gochnor, you! Those Halloween framed houses are Adorbs! I think I need a tutorial...