
oh what is there to do in the wintertime?

A little bowling action on a cold winter day.

They both loved this activity, but especially Benjamin.

We just cheered if we knocked down any pins at all, like that was the whole point.

The new Holladay Firehouse had an open house.  The attendees were a bunch of families with toddler boys!  All the kids got fireman hats and got to sit in the trucks and play with the firehouse dogs and even make paper firetrucks.  

Another quick trip to Midway, but short by sick kiddos.  We spent most of the day laying around, but they absolutely loved the swimming pool before the barfing set in.

Warming up in the shower.

A tender mercy.  Benj took a nap during sacrament meeting and I actually got to listen to the speakers!


Martin said...

I hope bond quickly so they can let you go on vacation

Martin said...

Me Tarzan, you Jane