
'tis the season to be jolly and joyous

I'll be very surprised if the motor on this thing doesn't burn out this season.  He is obsessed.
Still cute even with so many scratches on her face.

She always sits in her bumbo like this.  Trying to get up close to the action.

This is what happens when you have a toddler helping decorate.
His way was much more efficient than the way I was doing it.

At the ward party.
Maddie didn't even ask Santa for anything.

Yeah, we knew this would happen.

Santa #2.  This time with "Father Christmas" in Midway.

This time he was on to us and we couldn't even get him to stay there for one second.

At the gingerbread house exhibit.

Everything looked good enough to eat.

Some of the award winners.
At auction these were going for $300 to $400.

3rd Santa of the day and finally I think this one is the real deal.

After the donkey suffered a broken ear, the nativity had to be moved to a safer spot.
So far Benj has un-decorated our two trees and broken 4 ornaments and likes using the beaded garland as a whip.
Heaven help us.

A few of my Christmas ornaments from Germany!  Thank you Mom and Dad!  I love them so much!  These are all going on the branches at the tippy-top.

The final product.  Ta Da!

1 comment:

Martin said...

Your tree looks good enough to eat! Merry Christmas cute Jackson family.