

He is still so in love with his train from Grammie.  Several times this week I caught him sneaking up to the table just to sit and admire the beautiful engine.

Benj steered us to the candy aisle.

First time making peanut brittle.  Success!

Must be Christmas!  Harry and David pears arrive in the mail!

The cookie thief is caught red handed!

Maddie is a party pooper.  Snoozing on Grandma's shoulder during the Durham Christmas party.

Milestone reached: Maddie started rolling over from her tummy to her back this week!

At Christopher's Prime Steakhouse with my handsome husband.

Straining to see the TV.

Maddie and Nana Bett snuggled all evening today.

Gingerbread house chaos

Deep into the creative process.

The boys ate more candy than went on their houses.

What would we do without our Auntie Nat?

I think I got a cavity just from looking at all of this.
This week, events in the news got me feeling very depressed.  Church today gave me just the boost I needed.  I feel inspired to make my home a sanctuary and a fortification.  I was baking Swedish butter cookies with the snow falling, listening to Christmas music and missing my mom.  Thinking the things inside our home do not matter so much as the feeling we have there.  So grateful right now for eternal families and for the Savior.  Jesus is the reason for the season!


Dan and Liz said...

I love that your family does fun stuff together. You are all too cute! Also, I love that our boys have lots of the same PJ's. :)

Martin said...

Amen and amen, thank you for sharing the gingerbread house decorating with us.