
cabin fever

Maddie wore her blue coat to church today and we had a couple people ask how old "he" was.   oops.
cutest little bean

I crafted this week.  Now Maddie has a little mini-me.
I whipped up this hat for Maddie from one of Jesse's old cashmere sweaters.  She hates it.
mini Maddie
My sewing skills are slowly developing.

We've had a few naps in the car this week, since it is the easiest way to get Benj to go to sleep.
He got really good at climbing out of the crib this week.

The miracles this week:  Benj actually takes a nap in his crib.  Once.
Maddie drinks from a bottle for the first time in two months.
(I watched how Benj was getting out of his crib and saw how he'd wedge his head against the wall, so I just moved his crib away from the wall and he hasn't climbed out since.  Hopefully, problem solved.  At least for a while.)
Can't get out!
One thing I'm grateful for is that he sleeps in until 8 most mornings.
Just a typical morning around here.

He selected a sleeve of fig newtons for his breakfast.
And sometimes we don't feel like getting dressed so we just wear a blanket.  And we can do that if we want.

Sunday night ritual.  So glad my husband has adopted this Craven family tradition and has  mastered the skill of making popcorn.  

The car wash.

We made a yummy granola recipe this week with agave nectar, cardamom, grapeseed oil and flaxseed.

The view on a foggy Saturday morning jog.
Trying to stave off boredom.
Making shaving cream art.

Maddie had her first solid food.  She loved it!  Snarfed down a bowlful.

We are just aching for some sunshine and springtime!  It has been so gray and gloomy lately.  Spring cannot come soon enough.  But at the same time, the days are flying by and the kids are growing up so fast.


Kat said...

oooh, I would love that granola recipe! Can you email it to me? It looks amazing! Miss you guys!

Dan and Liz said...

I also want that granola recipe...make it up or where did you find it?
Happy I got to see you last night at Ali's, even for a minute :)

Martin said...

Heck with the recipe, could you just drop a batch by? Kiss those "boys" for us. Xox Dad